
Monthly Archives: May 2017

Adwoa Safo Blasts Mahama Government Over Abused Sole-Sourcing

Sara Adwoa Safo, Minister of State in charge of Public Procurement

Minister of state in charge of Public Procurement Sara Adwoa Safo is accusing the previous government of hiding behind sole sourcing to loot state through dubious contracts running into millions of Ghana cedis.​

Addressing a training program for stakeholders in public procurement, she said the procurement policy is the single "most abused policy ever introduced by government " and "we are aware of how the previous government unjustifiably took advantage of sole-sourcing, a method under the law, to loot state money".​

She explained that by the method, several contracts were awarded to cronies and families resulting in "dubiously ​inflated contract costs for purposes of creating, looting and sharing".

She maintain that under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo, appropriate steps would be implemented to prevent the wanton use of sole-sourcing to award contracts.​ The Member of Parliament (MP) for Dome Kwabenya said her office is currently reviewing all contracts under PPA to advise government whether to proceed with them or abrogate them.

Meanwhile, Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia says procurement infractions constitute 90 percent of corruption in the public sector.​

He indicated government to strictly enforce provisions in the procurement law to protect the public purse.

Source: adomonline .com​

Stop Abrogating Contracts Without My Consent – Adwoa Safo Warns

Minister in charge of Public Procurement, Sarah Adwoa Safo

The Minister in charge of Public Procurement, Adwoa Safo, has warned various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) as well as Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs), to stop terminating government contracts without recourse to her Ministry. ​

Her warning follows the termination of contracts by some heads of various MMDSs and MDAs​, a few days after they assumed their respective roles.

The Minister in a statement indicated that, the decision to abrogate these contracts without the Procurement Ministry's consent, might lead to "unnecessary legal battles between government and contractors which could spark needless and avoidable payment of judgement debts." ​

Adwoa Safo clarified that, although she "has ​no doubt about the competence of heads of entities to make a judgement on what a good contractor is from a bad one", she believes that it is "always important to seek legal and expect advise before a decision to abrogate a contract is taken."

Ms Safo has therefore directed that, all queries on some of these contracts should be "directed or be referred to the office of the Minister of State responsible for Public Procurement for further investigation and recommendations."​

Below is the Minister's full statement


The Minister of state responsible for Public Procurement, Hon. Sarah Adwoa Safo has observed with grave concern, recent media publications regarding abrogation of Government Contracts by some MMDAs and MDAs. ​

She has, therefore, advised all heads of entities within the MMDAs and MDAs to refer all such questionable contracts to her office for expert and legal advice.​

The Minister has no doubt about the competence of heads of entities to make a judgement on what a good decision to abrogate a contract is taken.​

Hon. Adwoa Safo noted that the move will prevent any unnecessary legal battles between government and contractors which could spark needless and avoidable payment of judgement debts.

In effect, she has a letter communicated to all Heads of entities within MMDAs and MDAs to stop terminating contracts forthwith.​

Ms Safo has further directed that all queries on some of these contracs should be directed or be referred to the office of the Minister​ of State responsible for Public Procurement for further investigation and recommendations.

Please send all correspondence in the interim to this office: Office of the Minister of State in charge of Public Procurement Office of the President -​ Flagstaff House, Accra P.M.B 62, Accra - Ghana or Parliament House 9th floor (West Wing), Room 22.



Vice President Pays Surprise Visit To Procurement Authority

Vice President Mahamadu Bawumia paid a surprice visit to the Procurement Authority today [Thursday], to familiarize himself with the Authority's operations.

Dr. Bawumia explained that, the visit was borne out of government's desire to chart a new course and tackle challenges facing the Authority.​

"If you look at corruption in the sector, I say probably 95% plus of it is from procurement, and so we are trying to give the Public Procurement Authority​ as much as we can to execute its mandate. The Chief Executive has basically made it clear that he wants to chart a new course which is what we want to support," he explained.  

We'll ensure value for money

The Vice President said the Authority, under the NPP administration, will ensure due diligence and value for money in every procurement.​

"For every procurement, there is going to be due diligence and value for money. This is new and a new team is going to be set up here to do this. We want to bring in a lot of ​transparency in the procurement process, but we want to bring in technology and so we are moving towards E-procuremeny."

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"Chief Executive has already said that starting in June, we are going to begin the process, which means that every procurement will have its identification number and you can track it from each stage to the end so it is going to very very transparent...There will not be any surprises."

The NPP administration has for the first time appointed a Minister of State in charge of Public Procurement.​

Member of Parliament for Dome Kwabenya, and Deputy Majority Leader Adwoa Safo, who's a professional lawyer with specialization in Procurement Law, is the Minister for that unit.​

Vice President pays surprise visit to Registrar General, Tema Shipyard 

This is the third time Vice President Alhaji Dr Mahamadu Bawumia has paid an unannounced visit to a key government agency since assuming office.​

On January 18, 20017, Dr. Bawumia visited the Registrar General's Department to identify the bottlenecks bedeviling ​the state outfit, and also interacted with owners of businesses and Ghanaians who had gone  to the department to register their businesses.

He also paid another surprise visit to the Tema Port, to familiarize himself with the operations of the port, and hear at first hand the challenges facing players in the sector.​​

Africa Is Not Poor, We Are Stealing Its Wealth

It's a simple statement, repeated through a thousand images, newspaper stories and charity appeals each year, so that it takes on the weight of truth. When we read it, we reinforce assumptions and stories about Africa that we've heard throughout our lives. We reconfirm our images of Africa. 

Try something different. Africa is rich, but we steal its wealth.​

That's the essence of a report from several campaign groups released today. based on a set of new figures, it finds that Sub Sahara Africa is a net creditor to the rest of the world to the tune of more than $41bn. Sure, there's money going in: around $161bn a year in the form of loans, remittances (those working outside Africa and sending money back home), and aid.​

But there's also ​$203bn leaving the continent. Some of this is direct, such as $68bn in mainly dodged taxes. Essentially multinational corporations "steal" much of this legally by pretending they are really generating their wealth in tax havens. These so - called "illicit financial flows" amount 6.1 per cent of the continent's entire domestic gross income (GDP) - or three times what Africa receives in aid.

Then there's the $30bn that these corporations "repatriate" - profits they make in Africa but send back to their home country, or elsewhere, to enjoy their wealth. The City of London is awash with profits extracted from the land and labour of Africa.

There are also more indirect means by which we pull wealth out of Africa. Today's report  estimates that $29bn a year is being stolen from Africa in illegal logging, fishing and trade in wildlife. $36bn is owed to Africa as a result of the damage that climate change will cause to their societies and economies as they are unable to use fossil fuels to develop in the way that Europe did. Our climate crisis was not cause by Africa, but Africans will feel the effect more than most others. Needless to say, the funds are not currently forthcoming. 

In fact, even this assessment is enormously generous, because it assumes that all of the wealth flowing into Africa is benefitting the people of that continent. but loans to governments and private sector (at more than $50bn) can turn into unpayable and odious debt.

Ghana is losing 30 per cent of its government revenue to debt repayments, paying loans which were often made speculatively, based on high commodity prices, and carrying whopping rates of interest. One particularly odious aluminium smelter in Mozambique, built with loans and aid money, is currently costing the country 21 pounds for every 1 pound that the Mozambique government received. British aid, which is used to set up private schools and health centres, can undermine the creation of decent public services, which is why such private schools are being closed down in Uganda and Kenya.

Of course, some Africans have benefitted from this economy. There are now around 165,000 very rich Africans, with combined holdings of $860bn. But, given the way economy works, where do these people mainly keep their wealth? In tax havens. A 2014 estimate suggests that rich Africans were holding a massive $500bn in tax havens.. Africa's people are effectively robbed of our wealth by an economy that enables a tiny minority of Africans to get rich by allowing wealth to floe out of Africa.

So what is the answer? Western governments would like to be seen as generous beneficiaries, doing what they can to "help those unable to help themselves:. But the first task is to stop perpetuating the harm they are doing. Governments need to stop forcing African governments to open their economy to privatisation, and their markets to unfair competition.

If Africa countries are to benefit from foreign investment, they must be allowed to even helped to - legally regulate that investment and the corporations that often bring it. And they might want to think about not putting their faith in the extractives sector. With few exceptions, countries with abundant mineral wealth experience poorer democracy, weaker economic growth, and worst development. To prevent tax dodging, governments must stop prevaricating on action to address tax havens. No country should tolerate companies with subsidiaries based in tax havens operating in the country.

Aid is tiny, and the very least it can do , if spent well, is to return some of Africa's looted wealth. We should see it both as a form of reparations and redistribution, just as the individual societies. The same should be expected from the global "society".

To even begin embark on such an ambitious programme, we must change the way we talk and think about Africa. It's not about making people feel guilty, but correctly diagnosing a problem in order to provide a solution. We are not, currently, "helping" Africa. Africa is rich. Lets stop making it poorer. 

Source: Nick Dearden via​

Nick Dearden is the director of UK campaigning organisation Global Justice Now. He was previously the director of Jubilee Debt Campaign.​

Akufo-Addo Calls For Increase In Sale Of Ghanaian Goods At Malls

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has indicated that it is his hope that the newly launched Kumasi City mall will not be a place only for sale of imported goods, but, also for the sale of Ghanaian goods.

According to President Akufo-Addo, "it would be truly commendable if, by the end of the first year of its operation, at least 20% of the goods that are sold here should be of Ghana origin, and the percentages increase as Ghanaian industrial production rapidly expands."​

Delivering a speech at the official launch of Kumasi City Mall, on Wednesday, May 10,  2017,​ the President bemoaned the fact that Ghana continues to be a retailer of cheap imported goods, whilst the capacity of our local producers remains weak and their products suffer low patronage.

"I know very well that, in some of our malls and supermarkets across the country, carrots sold, for example, are imported from Holland. Some of the dressed chickens on sale have also come from Brazil. Indeed, the items originating from Ghana and from our local entrepreneurs constitute barely a paltry 5% of goods on sale," the President lamented.

He noted, however, that all over the world, new enterprises, such as the Kumasi City Mall, have spawned the creation of jobs and investments, and triggered increase local spending.​

"Supermarkets and many shopping malls in several parts of the world, particularly​ the advance economies, have become magnets for production. It is my hope that the Kumasi City Mall will not only be a place for the sale of imported goods , but also Ghanaian goods," he added.

To this end, President Akufo-Addo encouraged shop owners and supermarkets, like Shoprite, to increase the proportion of Ghanaian goods sold at the shop, by getting more local farmers and entrepreneurs to produce for them.

"We want Kumasi to be a place of work again, not just a place where people come for funerals. We want to bring jobs back to this city, and restore Kumasi to its position, once again, of being The Garden City. ​The support government gives to the private sector is intended to translate into greater economic activities of our entrepreneurs, producers and farmers. Kumasi City Mall should bear witness of this increased activity," he added.

Whilst acknowledging the challenges confronting the country's economy, the President pledged that his government aims to liberate the energies of the youth by harnessing talent and building skills, inspiring innovation and risk taking, connecting to global value chains and, most importantly, nurturing a deep sense of patriotism.

He, thus encouraged the youth to take advantage of the immense opportunity this mall presents. "Last month, I launched the programme for Planting for Food and Jobs in Goaso, in the Brong Ahafo Region. Organise yourselves and get involved in this initiative. I am certain that my admonition to shop owners of this more will not go unheard. They will surely buy from you, if your produce meets the standard, which I am confident it can,: he urged.

Take advantage of gov't's new focus

President Akufo-Addo noted that the belief of his government is that "given an enabling environment, the creativity and sense of enterprise of the Ghanaian will enable us to build a strong, powerful economy which can deliver a good, dignified standard of living to our people.​

The President explained that since Governor Guggisberg let the country some years ago, the basic structure of Ghana's economy has remained largely unchanged​.

He added that Ghana's economy cannot grow if it remains, primarily​, a raw material producing and exporting country, explaining that "we cannot create the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of jobs for the masses of our young people if the sustenance of our economy is import dependent and import driven, as well as being dependent on raw material exports."

As has been made evident in the first Budget of the Akufo-Addo presidency, the Asempa Budget, President Akufo-Addo stressed that the economic programme of his government is hinged on the addition of value to the country's raw materials in a process of rapid industrialization , as agricultural production and productivity is enhanced.

Our priority is to do all we can to give our entrepreneurs the certainty of a positive business environment, devoid of arbitrary ans irrational policy initiatives, so that they can do what they should do best-invest in the numerous opportunities to create jobs and prosperity," he said.​

​The President assured that "the initiatives introduced in the Budget are aimed at stimulating private sector activity, and shifting the focus of our economy from taxation to production.

To this end, I urge the private sector to take advantage of this new focus, which is offering opportunities to local ingenuity and production.


16 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

It's probably not something you think about every day, whether or not the foods you are eating could contain carcinogens, but with almost 1.5 million people diagnosed with some type of cancer just last year, perhaps it's time to look at what is in our foods that could be causing such a huge number of new cancer patients. Here is a list of top 16 foods that you most likely consume every day that may contain carcinogens or be suspected of causing cancer.

1. Canned Tomatoes​

While fresh tomatoes are actually considered to be the cancer fighting foods, those canned ones are nothing like that. Actually, most canned foods are a concern because of what the can is lined with. The lining of almost all canned foods are made with a chemical called bisphenol-A, or BPA.

A study published in May of 2013 by the proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences showed that BPA actually affects the way genes work inside the brain of rats.​ Even the FDA agrees that there is a problem with BPA as it is supporting efforts to either replace or at the very least, to minimize the amounts found in canned foods. You know it must be bad when even the very lax is concerned!

Tomatoes are believed to be exceptionally dangerous due to their high acidity, which seems to cause BPA to leach from the lining of the can into the tomatoes themselves.​ The level of BPA can be so high in fact, you should seriously consider not feeding them to children. Due to FDA laws. there are no standards for labeling BPA so simple because a can does not say it has does not mean that it does not contain BPA. Be safe and avoid cans. Cook fresh or buy glass bottles.

2. Soda Pop

Perhaps​ you heard about the recent study that was published in May in the America Journal of Nutrition? It found that people who consumed more than one soda per day had a risk of stroke than people who did not drink soda.

Loaded with sugar, sodas are an empty source of calories that cause weight gain and contribute to the nationwide epidemic of obesity. Drinking large amounts of this rapidly digested sugar causes your blood sugar to spike which can lead to both inflammation and insulin resistance.​ Soda is often the root cause of gastric-esophageal reflux disease, which is when the contents of the stomach leak into the esophagus causing not only pain but an actual burning of the esophagus from stomach acid.

Although sodas are not a direct cause of ulcers, they are known to irritate and make those with ulcers have more pain. Sodas also​ contain artificial colorings and food chemicals like derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI); no wonder soda pop has been shown to cause cancer.

3. Farmed Salmon

Although fish sounds like one of the healthiest foods possible, farmed salmon is one you should avoid. Unfortunately, more than 60 percent of the salmon consumed in the USA is farm raised.​

These fish are fed unnatural diets and are contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides, and other known carcinogens. They live in very crowded conditions which results in these fish having 30 times the number of sea lice than wide salmon​. Farmed salmon are fed chemicals to make their meat that reddish pink color that should occur naturally but doesn't because of the diet of chicken litter that they are fed.

Also, due to their diet, they have less of the healthy omega-3 that we think we are getting when we consume fish. Studies have also shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCB's, mercury, and cancer causing dioxins. Avoid farmed salmon and buy it canned or look for labels in your market that state the fish you are buying is wild sockeye salmon.​

4. Processed Meats

What e​xactly are processed meats? This is a long list that includes, but is not limited to, sausages, hot dogs, bacon, most lunch meats like bologna or pimento loaf. Researchers who wrote in the journal of BMC Medicine said that the excessive salts and chemicals that are used when making processed meats are damaging to your health. The study showed that 1 in every 17 people who were involved in the study died and those who ate 160 grams or more of processed meats increased their risk of  early death as much as 44 percent within 12 years as opposed to those who ate 20 grams or less. This study involved people from 10 European countries and went on for almost 13 years. All these processed meats contain numerous chemicals and preservatives, including sodium nitrates, which make them, look appealing and fresh but are well known carcinogens. Smoking meats seem to be particularly bad as the meat picks up tar from the smoking process, Yes, tar, the same deadly ingredient that cigarette smoke contains.

5. Microwave Popcorn

Those little bags of popcorn are so convenient to just stick in the microwave, you wouldn't think for a minute that they could be dangerous to your health, but they are.​

First, let's talk about the bag itself. According to Wikipedia, conventional microwave popcorn bags are lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This is a toxin you can find in Teflon​ also. According to a recent study at the University of California, PFOA is linked to infertility in women. Numerous studies in the lab animals and humans show that exposure to PFOA significantly increase risk of kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas and testicular cancers.

Now, let's talk about the contents. Although every manufacturer uses slightly different ingredients, most of them use soybean oil ( a GMO product ​) as well as various preservatives such as propyl gallate, a chemical that causes stomach problems and skin rashes. Now they don't actually say they are using GMO corn kernels, but that's because the government say they don't have to. Even if they don't use GMO corn, you can bet they aren't using organic corn!

6. Potato Chips

Yes, we know, potato chips are cheap, great tasting, quick snack, however, the negative effects they have on your body may not be worth the little bit of pleasure you derive from these crispy snacks.​

Potato chips are high in both fat and calories, which are sure to bring on weight gain.. A study done in the New England Journal of medicine found that eating just 1 oz of potato chips per day caused an average 2 pounds weight gain in one year. Besides being full of trans-fats which can cause high cholesterol in most people, they have excessive sodium levels which, for many people, cause high blood pressure.​

Potato chips have artificial flavors, numerous preservatives, and colors as well, which is something else your body doesn't need. Potato chips are fried in high temperatures to make them crispy but this also causes them to make them a material called acrylamide, a known carcinogen that is also found in cigarettes.​

7. Hydrogeneted oils

Let's start from the point that all hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils. Vegetable oils cannot be extracted naturally like butter is, ​vegetable oil s must be chemically removed from their source, and then they are changed to be more acceptable to consumers. They are frequently deodorized and colored to look appealing.

All vegetable oils contain high levels of Omega-6 fatty acids. An excess​ of Omega-6 fatty acids cause health problems, such as heart disease and in increase in various cancers, especially skin cancer. You need a good balance of both Omega-3 and Omega-6. Try to get plenty of Omega-3 every day. You can do this in the form of supplements and grass fed meats, also fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel are a very good source of Omega-3.

Hydrogenated oils are used to preserve processed foods and keep them looking appealing for a long as possible. Hydrogenated oils influence our cell membranes' structure and flexibility, which is linked to cancer.

8. Foods that are highly salted, pickled, or smoked

Foods that are cured by use of nitrate​s or nitrites act as preservatives as well as adding color to the meat. Although nitrates do not cause cancer in and of themselves, under certain conditions these chemicals change once they are inside the body into N-nitroso composites. It's this N-nitroso that is associated with a greater increase the risk of developing cancers.

Smoking foods such as meat or nuts causes these food items to absorb considerable amounts of the tar that smoke produces​. Tar is a known carcinogen. Meat such as bacon, sausage, bologna, and salami are high in fat and salt.. Pickled foods are also very high in salts.

9. Highly processed white flours

Most of you have already heard by now that white flour is not a good thing , but you most likely have no idea just how bad it really is for your health. ​Refining grains destroys its natural nutrients. Mills are no longer content with waiting for their flour to whiten with time; mills now bleach flour with a chemical called chlorine gas.

The EPA states that chlorine gas is a dangerous irritant that is not inhale and in large quantities can be lethal.​ White flour lurks in many processed foods. White processed flour has a very high glycemic rate which quickly raises the blood sugar level and insulin levels, which can be a direct cause of diabetes. not to mention it is believed that it spreads cancer cells by feeding the cells directly. 

Cancerous tumors feed mostly on the sugars in your bloodstream. By avoiding refined grains such as white flour, you can avoid, or at the very least, starve tumors.

10. GMO's

Genetically modified organisms, more commonly called GMO's, are foods that have been modified by chemicals and grown with chemicals.​

In a study done by Dr. Pusztai at the Rowett Institute in Scotland, rats were fed GMO foods, especially potatoes. All rats showed damaged immune systems, pre-cancerous cell growth, along with smaller brains and livers, in just 10 days of the project. American consumers believe that FDA has approved these GMO foods and this is simply not the case.​

The FDA has No testing procedures for GMO foods, NONE.​ The only human study ever published showed that those foreign genes are present in GM food transfer to the DNA in the bacteria in our digestive systems. We, the Americans consumer, are the guinea pig (or rat) in this case. Unfortunately, almost all grains, including soybeans, wheat, and corn, have been grown via GMO's.

11. Refined Sugars

Refined sugars are not only known to spike insulin levels, but also to be the most preferable food for cancer cells, thus promoting their growth.​ 

Cancers seem to have a sweet tooth. This is a known fact that has been around for many years. The Nobel laurea​te in medicine, German Otto Warburg, back in 1931, first discovered that tumors and cancers both use sugars to "feed" themselves and/or to increase in size. In order to proliferate, cancer cells seem to prefer feeding on fructose-rich sweetners like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS); the reason is that HFCS is being metabilized by cancer cells most quickly and easily.

Now it is clear why high-fructose corn syrup is considered the worst offender. And since cakes, pies, cookies, sodas, juices, sauces, cereals, and many other extremely popular, mostly processed, food items are loaded with refined sugars and HFCS in particular, this helps explain why cancer rates are on the rise these days.

​12. Artificial Sweeteners

​Most people use artificial sweeteners to either lose weight or because they are diabetic and must avoid sugar. The main problem in all this is that there are numerous studies that show people consume artificial sweeteners on a regular basis, such as in sodas, or coffee sweeteners, actually gain weight. It also does little or nothing to help those with diabetes.

In fact, artificial sweeteners actually​ make it even more difficult to control their blood sugar levels and worsen conditions that are related to diabetes such as cataracts and gastro paresis. Sometimes aspartame has been found to cause convulsions, which some people will mistake for an insulin reaction.

Not to mention that artificial sweeteners inhibit your body's ability to monitor its daily calorie consumption and make the body crave even more sweets. Well, we've already discussed how refined sugars can cause cancer. There is mounting evidence that the chemicals that make up these sweeteners, especially aspartame, break down in the body into a deadly toxin called DKP. When your stomach processes this chemical, it in turn produces chemicals that can cause cancer, especially brain tumor.​

13. Diet Anything​

​Diet foods, including frozen foods, or prepackaged foods labeled as "diet" or "low fat", including diet sodas, generally contain aspartame, which is a chemical, artificial sweetener that we talk about in detail above. There are numerous studies showing that aspartame causes many diseases and sicknesses such as cancer, birth defects, and heart problems.

All "diet" food is chemically processed​ and made from super refined ingredients, excessive sodium levels, as well as artificial colors and flavors to make it taste good. Don't ever forget, artificial anything is NOT real food! Although the FDA says that all these added chemicals are save to eat, you might want to take their advice with a grain of salt. After all, don't they also tell you that sugar and vegetable oils are save to eat? (Not to mention GMO's and fast food!)

There have been many studies that show that these additives, for some people, can actually be addicting. They feed that "feel good" part in your brain, similar to cocaine! Well, that actually makes sense because if you become addicted to these foods, the companies making them are certain to score a lot of money, aren't they?​

​14. Alcohol

An American study that followed the diet and lifestyles of more than 200,000 women for almost 14 years found that postmeno​pausal women who drank one drink per day or less had an almost 30 percent increase in breast cancer rates compared to women who did not drink at all.

Alcohol use is the second leading cause of cancer, right behind tobacco use. While a moderate or low consumption of alcohol can be healthy and lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking is known ​to cause heart failure, stroke, and sudden death. In 2007, experts working for the World Heath Organizations. International Agency for Research on Cancer looked at the scientific evidence regarding cancer and alcohol use from 27 different studies. They sufficient evidence to state that excessive alcohol use is the main cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and female breast cancer. Don't fret! You can still enjoy that glass of wine with dinner, but for your health's sake, no more than one!

15. Red Meat

For those of you, who have T-bone steak, calm down. There is evidence that shows that red meat is actually a good thing in your diet, in small, infrequent amounts, Grass fed contains conjugated linoleic acid that actually fights against certain cancers.

However, in a study done over a 10 year period, eating red meat every day , even a small amount, such as that quarter​ pound hamburger you like to enjoy at lunch, increased a man's risk of dying from cancer by 22 percent and a woman's chance by 20 percent. A separate research study has shown that eating a lot of red meat increased the risk of breast , prostate, and colon cancer.

Red meat seems particularly dangerous when talking about colon cancer. A study ​done in the US followed almost 150,000 people between the ages of 50 and 74. This study showed that the long term consumption of red meat significantly increased the amount of colon cancer found in the subjects studied. On the other hand, the long term consumption of fish and poultry appeared to be protective in nature.

​16. Non-organic fruits

Fruits that are non-organic are contaminated with some very dangerous pesticides such as atrazine, thiodicarb, and ordanophosphates, as well as high nitrogen fertiizers.​

Atrazine​ is banned in European countries but still used in here. This is a weed killer that causes severe problems in humans, especially in our reproductive capabilities.

A 2009 study found that when pregnant women drank water contaminated with atrazine, their babies had reduced body weights. Were you aware ​that sewage fro cities in the USA (nicely called bio solids) is used in the fields of farms in the USA as a form of fertilizer? You will never find organic food being cultivated composted human sewage waste.

Conventional foods are also subjected ​to an enormous amount of these types' chemicals as well as hormones, to make the fruit and veggies grow bigger. Apples are probably the worst offenders with pesticides showing on more than 98 per cent of all apples tested.Fruits with a 90 per cent positive rate of pesticides residue included oranges, strawberries, and grapes.


Gov’t Committed To Passing Right To Information Bill – Hamid

Adwoa Safo, Deputy Majority of Parliament and Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of Public Procurement

Government is committed to the passage of the Right to Information (RTI) Bill and that before the end of this year, it will be passed into Law​, the Information Minister, Mr Mustapha Abdul-Hamid has said. Speaking at this year's World Press Freedom Day at the Ghana International Press Centre in Accra on Wednesday, Mr Hamid said the bill will be placed before Parliament when it resumes sitting.

:..when I said that, by the end of this year, the RTI Bill will be passed into law, I meant just that... we were advised that, once the lifespan of a certain parliament elapses, whatever bil or bills were before that parliament​ opt to be relayed because a new parliament has come into being, and to assure you per the calendar that we sent to parliament, by the resumption of parliament, the RTI will be before Parliament for debate and for passage. It is non-negotiable", he assured.

Speaking at the same forum, the Deputy Majority Leader and Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of Public Procurement, Ms Sarah Adwoa​ Safo said there was much commitment on the part of both the Executives and Parliament to pass the RTI as well as the Broadcasting Bill.

She said parliament was not in a dilemma in the passageof the RTI Bill.​

"I must say that indeed we are not in a dilemma as Parliament because the process or the engineering process has already begun. It has gone to an advanced stage in the promulgation process in Parliament" she stated.​

She stated that this Bill was a priority ​to government since it was enshrined in the constitution.

"And so if this in our constitution and has ​been there for years, and they need an Act of Parliament to re-echo that fundamental human right, I don't think that, it will be a step in the bad direction", she said.

Source: Graphic​ Online

KNUST Develops World’s First Open-Space Detector

The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), has developed two fire detection devices in a bid to enhance the nation's pursuit to bringing down the incidence of fire outbreaks.

They include 'PySpy' open space intelligent fire detection and alert system, the worlds first of such technology to be invented, and 'Laser Smoke Detector', an indoor fire detector device.​

Professor Mark Adom-Asamoah, Provost of the College​ of Engineering, briefing the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said the 'PySpy' was designed and built by InGineX Solutions, a student group of Derrick Brown Nabeel Amadu, Daniel and Peter Archer, all from the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department.

This was during the College's Engineering Design competition dubbed "GESA" Makers Faire", a programme dedicated to harnessing and showcasing the engineering acumen of students at the College.​

Prof, Adom-Asamoah indicated that the 'PySpy' comes with a computer vision-based system that utilises two cameras and other senses to accurately detect fire outbreaks, thereby alerting fire preventive authorities.​

The laser smoke detector, also the first laser-based technology of its kind, was developed by one Charles Ofori, a mechanical Engineering student, to help increase responsive time of detection of smoke during indoor fire outbreaks.​

Using imaging techniques this device forms a complete responsive mesh network across ceilings and top floors of rooms, making it easier and effective to detect early smokes before they cause much damage.​

The Provost said a demonstration of how this laser smoke detector worked had been conducted at the College and challenged policy makers to strive to encourage​ the adoption of the technologies in the interest of the nation.

The two devices come at a time that the nation is grappling with finding a lasting solution to the perennial incidence of fire outbreaks which come with ​own attendant negative consequences on the nation's socioeconomic development.

The Kumasi Central Market, one of the fire-prone spots in the country, had since 1993 to date recorded 47 fire outbreaks, causing damage to property whose cost runs into several millions of Ghana Cedis.​

The Ashanti Region had also for the first quarter of this year recorded 343 outbreaks as against 743 in 2016, representing a percentage reduction of 53.83 per cent.​

Generally, it is estimated that the incidence of fire outbreaks increases every year statistics from the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) indicating that domestic fires that occurred from 2012-2015 represented 41.02 per cent of the total fire outbreaks recorded nationwide.​

In all, more than 20,500 fires were recorded within period with an estimated cost of GHC97 million.​

The GNFS data shows that domestic and bush fires accounted for about two-thirds of all fire outbreaks in this period.

Source: GNA​