
Daily Archives: September 6, 2018

Kantanka Cars; Gov’t Charges GHC25,000 As Duty Per Purchase

One major challenge with vehicles imported into Ghana is the cost involved in clearing them from the ports. Most vehicle importers become overwhelmed with the clearing cost which they may have not anticipated to be such high either due to misinformation or no information at all about the clearing cost  forcing disappointed importers to abandon vehicles at the ports due to their inability to raise funds to clear their vehicles.

Many however believed that Kantanka cars which is produced locally in Ghana would have been cheaper for an average Ghanaian to purchase.

Yet the question is about what determines the inflated price of a kantanka car and the answer is simply put Government of Ghana.

Kantanka Showroom

Kantanka Automobile Showroom doors are always opened for you, Kindly come and make an order for free delivery, free After Sales Services, Free Registration of the vehicle at the DVLA, Three Years Warranty, Flexible Payment Plan and other amazing packages for you. Not Just Any Car, It's Our Car. Contact us Now: 0248307330 / 0242037429 has it that, the price of Kantanka Mensah, a brand new 2.4 AT sedan car for example is as low as GHC115,000, the cheapest for everyone to afford. But to get you informed government is charging GHC25,000 as duty tax on every kantanka car purchased making it difficult for competition on the local market.

According to Kwadwo Safo jnr, Kantanka Automobile Ltd has sent letters to past and current governments about a simple tax waiver but proves futile.

Source: kantankaautomobile