Amazing Ghana, Car Which Runs On Just Cells
Kantanka Odeneho is a five-passenger seating drive (4WD) without an internal combustion engine. It runs on a total prime over power of 144V DC been generated by 12 accumulators. There are two charging systems for the car - an external charging system and an internal charging system.The internal charging system uses an extra accumulator to power an inverter and the inveter simultaneously charges the 12 batteries while the car is accelerating. The internal charging is manual and can be switched on or off when the car is in motion.

The external charging system uses 144V which makes it suitable for the world market. The charging modes are Quick Charge Mode and an Overnight Charge Mode.. The Quick Charge Mode takes a maximum of 15 minutes to complete the charging and the Overnight Charge Mode takes a maximum of three hours to complete the charging. The life span of the accumulators is estimated to be a year. Thus, it is far economical than any vehicle on the market.

The vehicle has a maximum speed of 240km/h and a takeoff speed of 20km/h. At the maximum speed, it takes a maximum of 10 second to bring the car to a complete stop. The car has a stereo player as well as an internal cooling fan unlike other electric cars on the market. Made in Ghana by Apostle Dr. Engineer Kwadwo Safo.
Source: Newsghana​