Pastor Mike Safo

Elder Alex Gyateng

Elder Jonathan Hinson
Motto: The voices of the people, is the voice of God
Join Us For Worship
Spend some time worshiping with our congregation on:
Sabbath: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Wednesday: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Church Contact Email: kristoasafousa@gmail.com

Mr Augustine Adjei


Sister Frimpomaa


Mr Owusu-Ansah

Sister Felicia Eduah

President-Women's Fellowship
Sister Mavis Nkansah

In Charge of Welfare
Sis. Mary Owusu-Ansah

In Charge of Welfare
Name: Pastor Michael Safo
Email: michaelsafo@rocketmail.com
Name: Alex Gyateng
Email: alexgyateng4@gmail.com
.Name: Augustine Kwame Adjei
Email: a.adjei@hotmail.com
Contact Us
If you are transferring from another Kristo Asafo church, coming from another Christian denomination or if you don't belong to a church, you may join Kristo Asafo by profession of faith. Please sign our guest register. We would be delighted to tell you more about our church and ministries, but will leave you alone if you prefer. Please kindly use the form below or this email address kristoasafousa@gmail.com to contact us for more information. We hope you enjoy your online experience and get a taste of Kristo Asafo. We would love to hear from you.