The Family Behind Ghana’s Made To Survive Anything Car
A pastor is perhaps an unlikely candidate to become Ghana's first car manufacturer. But that's what Apostle Kwadwo Safo, founder of the Christ Reformed Church, and who is known locally as the "Star of Africa", has done.
And the inventor has become something of a legend in Ghana, virtually no history of manufacturing. As a child he'd had a knack for building things, and before becoming a pastor he'd trained as a welder. :(My father) had ambiyion and foresight. He thought of everything in preparation of Kantanka", says Safo's son, Kwadwo safo Jr.. Today, Kantanka Group is split into an electronics division and a car manufacturing company--Ghana's first car maker.
Made in Ghana
The "made in Ghana" cars were modeled for tough local conditions--and, to prove it, the Ghana Police test drove them. Safo Jr, 31, says he has learned a lot from his father.
"We are expanding our current production line to include a lower-end model which we will launch before the end of the year", he says. We have made quite significant sales, including a very important one to the office of the President". Safo Jr

31-year old Kwadwo safo Jr. is the CEO of the family's car Business
Safo Jr. didn't always plan to be in the car business. After studying in London, in 2006 he went to earn his pilot's license in the United States. In 2009, he returned to Ghana and earned a bachelor's degree in public administration before joining the family business.
As for being a pilot?
"The dream changed, it's been put on hold", he said. Safo Jr says operating in Ghana isn't without difficulties: at times there are power cuts and getting fuel needed for back-up generators can be hard.

Apprentices work at Apostle Safo Technology Research Center in Gomoa Mpota, Ghana.
Believe in yourself
One of the biggest challenges is getting customers to believe in "made in Ghana". "People think the doors will come off or the tires will blow off or something", he said.
Though the company has had positive reviews, Kantanka is still a relatively small operator competing with well established foreign rivals. The manufacturer can produce 150 cars a month, and with high production costs at home, the cheapest of its three models costs about $20,000.00.
"We need to be able to produce at a more affordable rate. There are high import charges in Ghana", he says. "Once you are determined and you want to do it, it's not hard" he says.