Biblical history has taught us that, redemption takes many forms and that every man of God has a specific role to perform. Surprisingly as the bible shows, most of these redeemers were born without place or power. They rise to make significant inroads by their own efforts themselves as the product of acts of divine grace. The bible sees a particular virtue in powerlessness appropriate to people which have seldom possess power and suffered from its exercise. It also sees virtue in achievement, and achievement as the sign of virtue for those who are weak and powerless.
That was why both Joseph and Moses did not have birthrights. They survived vulnerable childhoods and youth but they both had the God-endowed qualities to bring them to their greatness by their own efforts guided by visible and invisible divine interventions. Joseph was a great minister and a statesman for an alien ruler, the Pharaoh of Egypt. He was clever, quick, perceptive, imaginative, a dreamer but more than a dreamer, a man with the creative capability to interpret complex phenomena, to forecast and foresee, and to plan and administer.
He was industrious, gifted in economics and financial affairs; he was also a master of many forms of unknownable knowledge. He knew how to serve power and exploit it on behalf of his people. He served in the economic ministry initially and then moved to the agriculture ministry. After leading the successful seven year bumper harvest, he moved to the finance ministry and was overseeing the sale of grains to foreigners. And that was how he met his brothers - perfect redemption plan by God. He finally redeemed house of Israel from faminine. They settled in Egypt and multiplied.
The Problem
When Herod the Great heard about Jesus' birth, he reacted violently as if it were a threat to his dynasty. When the Jews heard of his birth, they thought that the time has come for them to have a political and military leader who will inaugurate a physical earthly change for their liberation. The poor Judea and Galilee were expecting that the Messiah will preach about the fundamental changes in government, taxes and justice. And when they did not find these in Him, they rejected Him. His mission was to preach to all in the spirit of humility before God.
The Solution
Civilization started from Africa but currently, Africa is seen by some as a continent of darkness and it's been associated with inferiority.
Apostle Safo aims to restore the lost glory of this mighty continent. "My mission is to redeem Africa" said Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo Kantanka. My coming here has been and always will be to unite Africans and build a greater civilization which will astonish the world like Ancient Egypt wonders through Technology and God's power and to emancipate ourselves from Mental Slavery.
The Book of Exodus
At the beginning of the book of Exodus, Pharaoh said to his people 'the Israelite are becoming more and mightier than us; come let us deal with them wisely, lest they multiply'. It is clear that the Egyptian fear of the Israelite numbers was the principle motive of their oppression which was specifically designed to reduce their ranks. This plan of Pharaoh was just similar to the holocaust of the time of Hitler and the slave trade black Africa had to endure for so many years.
"Who knows, but for the influence of the out-of-African population, a superior alternative of modern civilization and its technological cultures might have evolved in Africa" John Reader (Africa). Israel was under physical slavery in Egypt like it happened to black Africa almost 400 years ago. There was no option than to break out from this bondage.
Moses was born to lead this emancipation and redeem the Israelites. He was raised in the house of the King of Egypt and was very learned. Moses was a creative force and the moulder of the people. Under him, Israel became a distinctive people with the future as a nation. He was a formidable prophet and a leader, a man of decisive actions and fo intense spirituality. He loved solitary communion with himself and God in remote countryside. He hatred injustice. He translated the most intense idealism into practical statesmanship and noble concepts into details of every day life. He represented a giant conduit through which the divine happiness and ideology poured into the hearts and minds of the people of Israel.
Physically, he was a person like any of his people, developing progressively, through experience which were both horrific and mind bloggling. He has a fierce creative and innovative force which could turn the world upside down at his time. He was a mixture of the heroic and the human, and one of the formative figures of world history. This episode which saved the Israelites from Pharaoh's anger, and which they saw as divine redemption, was so amazing and has become for them and their descendants the reason for their whole existence.
Moses led the Exodus successfully but had to hand over the baton over to Joshua to complete it. Joshua, the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim, was his security chief of Moses, acting as his bodyguard at Mt. Sinai and the commanding guard of the tent. Whenever God's people are faced with a problem, there is a divine intervention through a redeemer. Most of these men are charismatic heroes, who are low-born but obtaining advancement through their own energy and abilities, which are brought out by divine favour and nomination.
Let us look at Jephthah. He was the lowliest of all. He was a son of a prostitute who was thrown out of his father's house by his brithers while stil young because of his mother's trade. He lived in the badlands and formed a group of fighters. And it came to pass when the Ammonites attacked Israel, and this outcast, Jephthah, is a reversal of the natural order, was sought out by the prominent leaders of the local Israelites' establishment to be their captain in war. Jephthah agreed on condition that he becomes their leader at peace too. With his group of bandits, he counter-attacked and conquered the Ammonites, redeemed the Israelites from their oppression and then became the leader of Israel. Another perfect redemption plan by God to his people under oppression.
When Herod the Great heard about Jesus' birth, he reacted violently as if it were a threat to his to his dynasty. When the Jews heard of his birth, they thought that the time has come for them to have a political and military leader who will inaugurate a physical earthly change for their liberation. The poor Judea and Galilee were expecting that the Messiah will preach about the fundamental changes in government, taxes and justice. And when they did not find these in Him, they rejected Him. His mission was to preach to all in the spirit of humility before God.
He was not a Jewish nationalist as the Jews expected but on the contrary a Jewish universalist. He universalized the world from below. Though a learned Jew, he said that learning was not necessary. He took the spirit and not the letter as the essence of the law and has embraced the unlearned, the ignorant, the despised and made them his special people. Jesus did not conform to any of the messianic patterns which the Jews expected. He was a tender plant despised and rejected by His people, a man of sorrows who was wounded for our sins, bruised for our transgressions, oppressed and afflicted and yet did not open his mouth: all for the sake of saving mankind.
Circumstances leading to his death were just about his hostility to the temple which was so important to the Jews. He could not have been guity of any crime and that was why the Jews had no right to carry the death sentence and sent him to Pilate, the Roman prosecutor. Still there was no evidence against him except claiming that he was Messiah, which to them, was rebellious. Though Pilate was reluctant to convict him, he did so for political reasons which was why Jesus was not stoned under Jewish law but crucified under Roman law by Rome.
That was how God has planned His redemption for His people. That by his blood, all shall be saved. However, at the time of his death, only 120 souls repented (Arts 1:15). His immediate disciples grasp the importance of his death and resurrection as a 'New Covenant' and a witness to God's plan. Redeemers have obscured personalities. Their actions and reactions are difficult to understand and interpret.
And Sampson, a Nazarite with wild, long hair, will today look obscure - a Rastafarian. He was dedicated to divine service but had a curious mixture of juvenile delinquency and heroism, a strongman and a half-wit, with an unreasonable streak of violence, a love for vandalism and arson, and a taste for low morality and wicked women. At his death, he killed more people than when he was alive. He came at the time when Israel was constantly been tormented by Philistines.
The Link Between Religion And Technology
Science and technology is deep rooted in religious circle. Prophets and man of God had used technology to redeem the children of God from various difficult situations. Genesis 6:13-17, Noah and the Flood : And God said to Noah, " I have determined to make an end of all fresh for the earth is filled with violence through them.
Behold I will destroy them with the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood. Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out pitch. This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 cubits, it's breadth 50 cubits, and it's height 30 cubits. Make a roof for the ark, and finish it to a cubic above, and set the door of the ark in it's side. Make it with lower, second, and third decks.
For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all fresh in which is the breath of life under heaven. Noah employed technology when he built the ship.
The ship built made use of carpentry, measurement and other technological skills. The ship (Noah's Ark technology) was what Noah used to redeem the children of God from death.
Genesis 3:17-19 - When Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord, The Lord said to Adam, "you listened to your wife and ate the fruit which I told you not to eat. Because of what you have done, the ground will be under curse. You will have to work hard all your life to make it produce enough food for you. It will produce weeds and thorns, and you will have to eat wild plants.
You will have to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything, until you go back to the soil from which you were formed. You were made from soil, and you will become soil again. The punishment was so severe because there were no tools at that time for cultivation. From thereafter, they have to figure out how to fend for themselves and that's when agriculture kicked in.
Genesis 41 and 42 - Joseph applied technology to preserve food for seven years of plenty harvest to seven years of famine. This saved the whole world from being wiped out with hunger and starvation.
Genesis 4:22 - Zillah, the wife of Lamech, also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron.The first recorded smith who used iron tools according to early history in the Bible. This was the beginning of the metals industry and blacksmith.
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The work of Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo is not distinct activity outside from the Bible. He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God given Knowledge and wisdom (technology) to the redemption of Africa. May God bless you ooo Papa.
Star of Africa